Reading the description, there was one phrase that I liked more than others, and I like to repeat that to this my description: "I hope you'll have an extraordinary day full of the people that matter most in your life. Don't just tell them you love them, show them you love them. THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!"
Thanks for your St. Valentine recipe dear Heather McMullin :)
2 boxes of Chocolate Brownie Mix
1 Bag big Marshmallows
1 Bag Double Stuffed Oreo Cookies
Mix up brownies according to instructions on the box.
Add the rest of the brownie mix, covering the Oreos completely.
Bake brownies. Take the brownies out 10minutes before they are done and put marshmallows to completely cover the brownies.
Put them back in the oven and bake for an additional 10 minutes or until the marshmallows are golden brown.